The orchestrators orchestrator has Arrived

One integration to the world of Global Payments & Complimentary Services

At Optty, we unlock endless payment possibilities through our single, simplified integration, granting access to hundreds of global brands across 9 payment architectures. Our Optty Partner provides your gateway with ready to go scale, adding our integration into your gateway. Think of Optty as your secret weapon with speed to market top of mind.


Optty integration allows you to explore our innovative extra features. We go beyond payments to help you access complimentary services and features. Access or Switch on with no additional coding required


User Hierarchy

Featuring our readily available 2 and 3 Level hierarchy, scaling with your gateway and merchant partners has never been more effortless

White-Labeled Solution

Experience seamless integration and customization with our advanced technical features.

SSO (Single Sign On)

Our Single Sign-On (SSO) feature lets you introduce additional payment methods effortlessly, without needing a new sign-in process that could disrupt your network.

Additional Services

Bolster your offering to your merchants by providing access to Fraud Protection providers, Donate, 3DS2, Carbon Calculator, Transaction Review & Optimisation, Network Tokenization and Hosted Payments Page.

Payment Management

Offer our entire global suite of integrations or select the payment methods from our complete integration offering and curate your own selection appropriate for your merchants and target audience. Our Optty Partner configuration gives you all of the control at your fingertips.

Additional Services

Fraud Protection, Donate, 3DS2, Carbon Calculator, Transaction Review & Optimisation, Network Tokenization, Optty Hosted Payments Page.

Learn More


Optty integration allows you to explore our innovative extra features. We go beyond payments to help you access complimentary services and features. Access or Switch on with no additional coding required


User Hierarchy

Featuring our readily available 2 and 3 Level hierarchy, scaling with your gateway and merchant partners has never been more effortless

White-Labeled Solution

Experience seamless integration and customization with our advanced technical features.

SSO (Single Sign On)

Our Single Sign-On (SSO) feature lets you introduce additional payment methods effortlessly, without needing a new sign-in process that could disrupt your network.

Additional Services

Bolster your offering to your merchants by providing access to Fraud Protection providers, Donate, 3DS2, Carbon Calculator, Transaction Review & Optimisation, Network Tokenization and Hosted Payments Page.

Payment Management

Offer our entire global suite of integrations or select the payment methods from our complete integration offering and curate your own selection appropriate for your merchants and target audience. Our Optty Partner configuration gives you all of the control at your fingertips.


Optty integration allows you to explore our innovative extra features. We go beyond payments to help you access complimentary services and features. Access or Switch on with no additional coding required.


Not in the Funds Flow

We are a true SaaS payment platform, minimizing risk and simplifying compliance, while ensuring rapid payment provider onboarding and reduced integration and operational overhead. Our streamlined true SaaS solution gives you the integrations while merchants sign direct agreements with the payment providers for direct settlement.

Flexible API

Optty’s flexible API enables seamless integration with ecommerce, IVR, payment terminals systems, platforms and more, allowing our direct merchants and Optty Partner merchants to easily adapt to evolving requirements and technologies. This adaptability means you go live faster with pre-built cartridges and configuration already tested and ready to implement.

Low Effort Implementation

Optty offers an effortless setup with a user-friendly interface and straightforward integration process, saving your business time and resources. Our efficient implementation experience allows you to configure and go live with each payment method in just one minute.

Continuous platform development

Integrate once and with zero future effort Optty keeps on adding more payment brands and complimentary services, keeping you in the future with payment integration in minutes.

Revenue Generating not a cost

Optty acts as a revenue generator for gateways and Optty Power Partners, transforming traditional cost structures into opportunities for additional income and business growth.

Additional Services

Fraud Protection, Donate, 3DS2, Carbon Calculator, Transaction Review & Optimisation, Network Tokenization, Optty Hosted Payments Page.

Learn More


Optty integration allows you to explore our innovative extra features. We go beyond payments to help you access complimentary services and features. Access or Switch on with no additional coding required.


Not in the Funds Flow

We are a true SaaS payment platform, minimizing risk and simplifying compliance, while ensuring rapid payment provider onboarding and reduced integration and operational overhead. Our streamlined true SaaS solution gives you the integrations while merchants sign direct agreements with the payment providers for direct settlement.

Flexible API

Optty’s flexible API enables seamless integration with ecommerce, IVR, payment terminals systems, platforms and more, allowing our direct merchants and Optty Partner merchants to easily adapt to evolving requirements and technologies. This adaptability means you go live faster with pre-built cartridges and configuration already tested and ready to implement.

Low Effort Implementation

Optty offers an effortless setup with a user-friendly interface and straightforward integration process, saving your business time and resources. Our efficient implementation experience allows you to configure and go live with each payment method in just one minute.

Continuous platform development

Integrate once and with zero future effort Optty keeps on adding more payment brands and complimentary services, keeping you in the future with payment integration in minutes.

Revenue Generating not a cost

Optty acts as a revenue generator for gateways and Optty Power Partners, transforming traditional cost structures into opportunities for additional income and business growth.

Gateways / PSP's / Schemes / Banks / Orchestrators

Book your Optty Partner demo now and let Optty supercharge your gateway with hundreds of global leading payment integrations in one integration.

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Meet our top—tier
global partners

Case Studies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget placerat odio. In et molestie turpis, ac semper dui. Vestibulum leo nisi, egestas id cursus eget, placerat at lacus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi.

View Case Study

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi.

View Case Study

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sapien mauris, tristique id molestie eget, pharetra a magna. Mauris lorem risus, pellentesque vitae odio ultrices, mollis tempus nisi.

View Case Study

FAQs asked by our Payment Partners

Have a question? Explore our FAQ section to find answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services.

Where is my customer data stored? Is it stored securely?
How does Optty charge?
How do updates to the UPP work?
Where can I find all of Optty’s payment methods
Still have questions?
Get in touch

Please don't hesitate to contact our team for any inquiries or assistance you may need. We look forward to connecting with you soon.


Gateway / Acquirer / Orchestration / Aggregator / Partnership


Reseller Referral Partner Program or Merchant Direct